Come what may... Insurance management by NW Assekuranz
Our concept of service provision is a comprehensive one: We want to assist you as well as possible, down to the last detail. We have products tailored to the entrepreneurial risks you face. We keep an eye on your contractual context and make sure that you are always up to date. And in the event of damage, you have someone at your side who has extraordinary know-how and the clout of a major, highly experienced provider and who will use them to assert your rights.
Contract Management
We put the fine print under the magnifying glass

As a client of NW Assekuranz, you will of course get comprehensive services on all contractual issues regarding your insurance cover. This includes regular reviews of your contracts and covers, overviews and updates for your insurances, issue of policies and supplements, and management of claims in our online client portal.
You profit from state-of-the-art IT-based management and archiving solutions. Nowadays, these solutions are not only a necessary tool for date preservation and visualisation. We also use these technical solutions as an integrated part of a risk, insurance and service management 4.0. Our system offers important benefits in regard to service quality and reducing your administrative expense. The client portal establishes an efficient and direct channel of communication between our companies.
Claims Management
Goliath vs Goliath

You've suffered a loss, and you're entitled to compensation. But will you get what you are entitled to? The higher the amount, the greater the opposition you will face. NW Assekuranz has the clout you need now, even if the total loss is very high. Our engineers and legal and industry experts will see to it that you are compensated. In every industry, with staying power, anywhere in the world.
In the case of major damage events in particular, you will see just how promptly NW Assekuranz is at your side and quickly jumps into action. We have your back throughout the entire claims processing process with our major claims management. We inspect the damage on site and record it. We agree immediate measures with you to mitigate the damage, and we procure qualified appraisers for you. As a matter of course, we also take care of the processing of the claim and the negotiation with the insurers involved, ensuring that the claims are handled smoothly.

Business Risks
Assets and Business
Always one step ahead of the damage

If your company suffers damage, you will first think of the costs you are going to incur to reconstruct, replace or repair the damaged assets because maintaining your ability to produce and deliver is vitally important. Comprehensive and customised insurance of your capital assets and materials is indispensable in this respect. As your partner, we assist you with a detailed risk identification, analysis and processing. We advertise the insurance coverage on national and international insurance markets in order to ensure that you get the best value for your money.
But after the damage itself, more loss may follow due to the interruption of your business. Downtimes – e.g. caused by a problem on the suppliers' side – can quickly cause enormous losses. In such a case, NW Assekuranz is your partner, in particular with complex, international networks of companies. Optimal protection requires expertise and foresight in order to make sure that a policy will actually take effect in the event of damage. NW Assekuranz identifies your risks and insures them exactly as necessary.
Technical Risks
Do you want to be safe anywhere in the world? Works flawlessly.

To insure your machinery, plants and projects, technical know-how and many years' experience are decisive. Our comprehensive understanding of various technologies and the industry know-how regarding the risks related to your business are the prerequisites for a tailor-made insurance concept. We have the engineers and specialists required for optimal management and perfect placement of your risks on the insurance markets. Technical insurances basically include:
- Erection all-risks and erection/business interruption insurance
- Builder's risk and builder's risk/business interruption insurance
- Equipment breakdown and equipment breakdown/business interruption insurance
- Electronics and electronics/business interruption insurance
- Warranty insurance
In international project insurance in particular – be it the erection of an offshore wind farm in Taiwan, the construction and operation of a power plant in France, or the installation of a production line in China – we accompany our clients to every corner of the earth.
As part of the project team, we like to get on board early on in order to be involved in drafting the insurance-related provisions in supply and service contracts. Identifying, analysing and checking the insurability of risks resulting from contractual agreements plays a key role in this respect.
Your goods move around a lot. Good thing someone keeps an eye on them.

Your goods go on a journey. To a customer around the corner, or a mammoth project in some remote corner of the world. From loading to unloading, all the processes have to run smoothly, and the goods have to be safe. Time is money, safe transport is everything in your business. It is good to know beforehand what awaits you: Our transport insurance division insures your products in ever more complex logistics systems.
This is what we do in the field of transport liability, where we offer you coverage components that far exceed standard insurance coverage components that far exceed standard insurance coverage as well as individual configuration options, such as the review and assessment of carriage, forwarding, warehousing and logistics contracts.
Our offer also includes cargo insurances. They pay out compensation irrespective of liability if a carrier involved cannot be held liable for a damage incurred by the shipper, e.g. in case of an inevitable incident. Such a situation can be a threat to the shipper's existence if the goods were uninsured.
General Liability
You bear the responsibility. But not the risk.

If you run a business, you run a risk. Sooner or later, every business finds itself in the situation where it has to take responsibility for a damage it caused. This is where a good general liability insurance takes effect, and we are experts in this field. Our detailed concepts are important tools for the financial protection of medium-sized and industrial companies of all sizes in particular. Our offer inludes:
- Premises-operations, environmental liability and environmental impairment liability insurance
- D&O liability insurance
- M&A insurance
- Fidelity bonds
- Anti-counterfeiting insurance
- Commercial legal expenses and criminal defence insurance
We also have special expertise in planning liability insurance. It takes effect, for example, if damage is caused by planning that does nocht correspond to the engineering practice, cannot be approved, or does not fulfil the requirements as stipulated in the contract.
Do you operate on an international level? Then we have something in common! As we are an international insurance broker, a team of experts will explore the best possible terms and optimal scope of coverage for you and your affiliated companies abroad.
Motor vehicles
Risk wherever you turn. We pave the way for you.

In the field of vehicle fleet insurance, NW Assekuranz insures the fleets of a wide variety of companies in Germany and abroad, some of which comprise several thousand vehicles. Quick, simple, cost-effective, with noticeable less administrative expense. A high level of transparency in the calculation of premiums, the contractual terms and conditions and the claims processing is a matter of course.
We analyse which of our fleet policy models suit you best and which insurer offers the best value for your fleet. Not just once, at the start, but continuously: We monitor and analyse market developments in terms of insurance coverage and price for you.
Furthermore, we keep an eye on your claims situation. If you would rather not deal with claims at all, we will be happy to put you in contact with an independent claims adjuster. They provide a 24/7 hotline for your drivers that records the damage or breakdown and gets them moving again as quickly as possible. A network of more than 800 repair shops throughout Germany ensures that the vehicle is repaired without delay.
Digital Risks
Cyberattack? We provide cover.

Due to the increasing digital interconnection and the corresponding dependence on IT systems, cybercrime has long since become a huge problem for the global economy. IT has evolved from a mere supporting process into an indispensable part of a functioning enterprise. This change entails a change in the treat situation. However, many companies are not yet prepared for the new threat, and consequently, their risk to fall victim to cyberattacks is high.
We are the German specialist in this area. In close cooperation with the key risk-takers, we have developed market-leading insurance products that offer you all the components you need to insure cybercrime risks. Such as our 360° Cyber Workshop: We show you where your insurance cover needs to be complemented. In addition, thanks to our systematic approach, you will get valuable information about other IT security improvements. This way, you can successfully safeguard your digitisation strategies!
Management Liability
Your reputation? Invaluable. Everything else is a calculable risk.

As managing director or member of the board, you make decisions every day; as member of a supervisory board, you are involved in crucial processes. In these positions, you take calculable risks for your company – and for yourself as well. Board members, managing directors and senior management are increasingly in danger of getting into the crosshairs of law enforcement agencies, which jeopardises the company's public image and the executive's reputation as well es your private assets. Because when push comes to shove, that is what is at stake.
We analyse your personal risk situation with you, and we establish the coverage you need within the framework of tailor-made D&O liability insurance.
Accidents happen. But you don't have to worry about medical care.

With employer-owned accident insurance, employers provide an attractive offer and considerable added value for their employees. Of course, employers are obligated to insure their employees against work accidents anyway. However, the statutory accident insurance provides no more than a minimum cover. Employer-owned accident insurance can significantly improve this situation. It offers your employees much better, higher-quality coverage. Depending on the insurance contract and tariff, it covers your employees' professional activities as well their private life. It is quite common practice for this insurance to apply 24/7 all around the world.
The accident insurance tariff is compiled from a wide variety of services like building blocks. You as as employer and policyholder can compile a customised service package for your employees. The more efficient the insurance, the more your workforce will appreciate it as a non-tariff benefit with a high added value.
NW Assekuranz helps you find the best solutions for your employer-owned accident insurance. We don't just make you feel properly insured – we make sure that you and your employees really are properly insured.
Credit Risks
Have you unfinished business? We will step in.

Good business is based on trust. That is why customers who fail to pay their bills are so annoying. Protect yourself against bad debts! With a policy tailored to your company's needs, the corresponding risks become calculable – and the actual losses lessen. Credit checks and coverage of your clients minimises losses due to bad debts. Trade credit insurance is another important component in the financial protection of your company.

Do you have questions, or would you like to get a personal quote?
We are at your disposal by phone at +49 (0)421 9896070. Or you can send us a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.